Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Who is the lesser evil of the 2? Obama or Cain?

Though I am not a Roman Catholic (*disclaimer) this clip makes a lot of sense, and lucky (blessed ?) I am not an American who needs to vote and make a choice out of these 2 clowns. I watched the presidential debates and none has a solution (secret maybe?) on any of the serious issues. Their words are carefully measured in such a way nothing is absolute and true.

One thing I know is that whoever becomes the next President, he is only a puppet and an extension of those who write his paycheck to fulfill the agenda of the same. Nothing more, nothing less, so let us not be deceived by nice words but discern the times.
I also notice that there are a lot of political systems being shaken right now. In Europe there is a political vacuum, pop star Sarkozy in France, the Belgian joke (without PM for a long time..), Berlusconi maffia, etc... and the "Lisbon Treaty" allowing a European President to be SELECTED, not voted... will create a powershift in this vacuum. One world government coming up you think?

(*) disclaimer: because the Pope is not my boss, Mary is not my intermediary and the saints not my idols. Simply because Jesus Christ is my only Lord and head of the Church, of whom I - according to the Scriptures - am a part of and saint myself. I pray to my Heavenly Father directly in the name of Jesus Christ and I am encouraged not to have any idols at all! Wow .. I hope I do not upset anybody, but that is what my Bible teaches me... Having said that I know many reformed Catholics who have become Biblical Christians or born again sons and daughters of the most high living God.

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