Thursday, December 25, 2008

The biggest birthday party

Not just the biggest but also most widely celebrated globally: Happy Birthday Jesus Christ !!

Here's a clip of Zoe singing carols..

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Let every heart prepare Him room

This Sonday* is the second Advent of the season.

Advent is meant to be a time of personal preparation when we intentionally make room in our hearts for the coming of Christ into our lives, in an ever increasing kind of way!

Christmas has become a celebration of many wonderful things: the joy of families being together, the thrill of both giving and receiving gifts and the beauty of giving honor to those who should be honored and appreciated: parents, special friends and beloved ones..

All of these things are good things!

Tragically, the celebration of the birth of Christ and the desire to prepare ourselves for His coming into our lives, are more neglected than ever before! Christmas has been replaced by “Happy Holidays”, “ Season’s Greetings”, etc… either to be “politically” correct (as in some countries) or simply because people have lost the meaning or are ashamed.

Irony is that we want instant response from God more than we want intimate relationship with Him! Christ did not come to start a new religion. He came to teach us how to have a relationship with the Father in Heaven.

We are busy filling our lives with our pleasures rather than emptying our lives to make room for more of His presence!

Advent is our moment to set everything aside and re-arrange our priorities so that Christ can be our focus and the center of our Christmas celebrations!

'Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room'!!

May God help us all to do whatever needs to be done in order to make this a reality!

* I take the Liberty to call it the Lord's Day after the Son, not the sun