Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Double four

Today I celebrated my 44th birth anniversary.

But I will only share with you in a few days how my day looked like..

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2008... here I come!

Welcome to 2008!!

Yo Jan, a bit late no?

Well, unlike other years, I started this year not in good fashion. For weeks I was struggling with, what I believed a pulled shoulder muscle, but on Jan. 1st ... I could no longer lift my right arm, had tremendous pains and decided to seek medical attention. Needless to say that my 5 hours at the A&E were not pleasant in line with many others queuing to be cared for.

I was to see the specialist on Jan.17, but I insisted that this is Singapore! Patients from afar travel here for medical treatment and I had to wait for 14 days?? So, the next day I saw the doc who deduced from the X-ray results that possibly one disc in my neck had bulged or slipped and caused a nerve to be pinched.

Pinched? I felt like the nerve was cut!! So, the first 8 days of this year I spent lying on my left side only on the bed and the sofa, numbed by painkillers. No turning, no moving, no stretching, no playing with Zoe, etc... Then finally, a few days ago, the situation improved a bit and I put together a VDO clip of our last Christmas.

Click on below to enjoy it!