Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine ... you give a little Love and ...

"You give a little Love
and it all comes back to you..
You gonna be remembered
for the things you said and do...La la laa..."

See the VDO clip below which is an old Coke add (which I do not endorse!) but I like the add, especially when he turns around the guys carrying the billboards.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Happy & Healthy Birthday in Bangkok

Traditionally, because I have done so for the last 10 years, I celebrate my birthday in Thailand. Mostly, I choose some idyllic island or mountain region, but after I missed out on Krabi in 2004 (Tsunami) and fortunately did so, it has been Bangkok since. This time the occasion was also to attend a seminar and meet our good friends in Bangkok, many of whom have not seen Zoé in Live… (Ha! .. her name means life!)

This was also Zoé’s 4th country visit in her 5 months..and she likes traveling!

One night, my dear friends James and Patty, invited us for a wonderful open air Thai dinner and on my birth date (22nd), another couple - who have been instrumental in our lives - Rasael and Amie took us for a Persian meal. Our host, Heather, made us feel at home in her condo and after Cheryl and Zoé flew back to Singapore, I was kindly invited to stay on with Rasael for another week. I managed to catch up with some friends and share my testimony at a workshop held for singles, on how I managed to remain ‘cool’ in my 7 years of single hood, while waiting for my propose to me.

Bangkok is a 15 million mega city and yet I ran into and ex business partner of 10 years ago: Jason and his wife Vivian. Jason is a nutrition and diet expert. We went for a drink and he shared a lot of insights in diet and exercise. Cheryl and I went for a ‘
skin carotenoid score’, to find out that at a level of 26,000 units (Cheryl:21,000), I am far below the benchmark of 35,000 and the optimal goal of +50,000. So... more super antioxidant food on my plate from now!!

Back in Singapore, my wife passed me a belated birthday present last night, a book titled: “
Health & Wellness “ by Jordan Rubin
. He was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and felt triggered by God to eat according to Scriptures and exercise, so the temple of God should not de defiled but used for His purpose.

Rubin ate himself healthy again by fresh
fruits & vegetables, exercise and meditation on God’s Word.

Here some pictures of Jordan

Before .............. after.......

Click on this web site for more details
for your free introductory course, called “Whole Food Nutrition Supplements 101.”

prayers were also that I may have healthy and energetic years ahead. Right now, I am a ‘bit’ overweight with a BMI of 30KG/m2 (should be 18-25)and over 30% body fat… so it is a good time to start 2007 and my 43rd year to take care of this temple and make sure that my next decades will be healthier and more energetic!
So, in advance: thank you all for your prayer support and useful advice on how to achieve this goal. (Comments are welcome!)

Click on below picture to see a short slide show of our Bangkok trip.

... here is Pa, trying to see if daughter
likes to taste some chocolate of the
birthday cake!

(she did not attempt to lick it...)