Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sink Twice

Today, I thought I'd write on something else than babies..

Living in a multi racial, - cultural and - relgious environment, I am faced every day with communication and social challenges. People around me speak in turbo language, use 3 letter words for nearly everything: a few days ago, I saw a small school boy, carrying a heavy back pack nearly his size. I asked him what was the heavy weight - not understanding he suffered 15 Kgs of books - and he replied: "CCS!" . Naievely, I asked him what that was and I got a nasty look back!
Then, some words are repeated 3 times for no reason either.. "Wait, wait, wait ... check my PDA-lah!"

A few months ago, I came accross this VDO clip from a language school (which I do not really endorse herewith) of a German coast guard novice ... I particularly enjoyed it because I am mixed Belgian/German, grew up in that culture and can nearly "smell" the circumstance.

Enjoy it! (

Another hillarious mix of cultures is a caucasian man, singing a Bollywood song.

Shall we dance? .. click on the link:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, this is really hilarious! more to follow like this...