All eyes seem to be focused these days on the China Olympics and the triple 8 saga.
It is a premier for 205 nations to be gathered in Beijing for the first time in history. Hopefully not only an Olympic spirit will be spread.
888 is an auspicious number for the Chinese, mainly linked to prosperity.
In Biblical terms, 8 stands for new beginnings. So let us pray new beginnings may happen in China after the Beijing Olympics.
While one of my eyes is focused on Beijing, my other eye is focused on Zimbabwe, Africa and on the credit crunch in the USA. PM Lee of Singapore could not help not trying to find comforting words that it is all well with the economy. It is not. However, the games go on. Bread is still there, though it cost 25% more than last year in many countries.
Inflation is what they call it. Well, we ain't seen anything yet. The money factories aka banks continue printing paper. Most people live of credit (=indebted). The bubble will burst one day, like it has just done in Zimbabwe with hyper inflation (
read this BBC story)
I pray yours will not burst....